Die U 18 hat den Verein und Hamburg in Israel ehrenvoll vertreten und einen Sieg mit nach Hause genommen.
Neben zwei Spielen gegen die israelische U18 Nationalmannschaft sowie den Yezrel Kibbutz RFC hat die Mannschaft Ausflüge nach Nazereth und ans Tote Meer unternommen und jede Menge neuer Eindrücke sammeln können. Im Kibbutz wurden Freundschaften mit den Jugendlichen geschlossen beim abendlichen „chillen“ auf der Veranda in alten Sofas. Außerdem wurde uns der Kibbutz gezeigt und einige von uns durften sich in der Wäscherei im Zusammenlegen von Wäsche messen….
Als Präsident und Reiseleiter möchte ich mich bei folgenden Personen und Organisationen für die Unterstützung zur Reise bedanken: Stadt Hamburg, ins. Senator Michael Neumann, der Günter Busch Stiftung, Exiles RFC, Old Boys Hamburg, dem Amateurvorstand des FC St. Pauli, dem Hamburger Rugby Verband sowie Georg Zurawski. Und selbstverständlich Alina Stolz, Rolf Kowalik und Phil Gilbert für die Reisebegleitung und Vorbereitung.
Die Fotos zeigen ein paar Eindrücke von der Reise – im Anschluss gibt es Spielberichte von Phil Gilbert.
Spielberichte (von Phil Gilbert)
Henry Oehlert (capt) Lennard Barnick, Lucas Borsutzky, Niklas Füllgraf, Konstanzin Heekt, Henrik Kleuters, Nicolas Kurtenbach, Joschka Marx, Bennet Oltmanns,
Dersim O´Sullivan,Stelios Papadopoulos, Anton Prier, Sammy Pruegner, Julian Putzke, Charlie Rol, Eliot Rol, Tom Vollmer, Oliver Wegner, Paul Zurawski.
Game 1 v Israel National U18
Saturday 2nd March, 2013
Field Conditions – Hard and temperature 20 -25 degrees
St Pauli youth opened their first tour game on a hard pitch, strongly with two tries in the first 20 minutes. The stürmer matched the Israel side in all play and our backs were running and passing well. St Paulis second try was a 15s try of quality; with a combination of stürmer and back passing and movement. St Pauli for the last 10 minutes of the first half had to defend with a valiant and no fear attitude, however they finally conceded two tries, be it the referee in a 30 minute half found an extra 10 minutes! The luck of St Pauli was not ours, epitomised by a clearing kick that hit Lennard square in the back and bounced straight up for one of the tallest Israelis to catch and fall over the line.
Half time 12-14 Israel – Yizre´el
The second half was mainly to the Israelis scoring two more ties to one. Tiredness of the early morning arrival to the kibbutz (6am) and playing by midday caught up with the St Pauli youth. The St Pauli try was an individual opportunist try but well taken. Again the St Pauli luck was not with us with a ball lost over the line for us and an incercept try to the
A deserved victory to the Israeli 28-17
St Pauli try scorers: Charlie Rol, Eliot Rol, Henry Oehlert and Dersim O´Sullivan, one conversion
Game 2 v Yizre´el U18
Monday 4th March, 2013
Field conditions – Hard and temperature 15-18 degrees
St Pauli were determined to take a victory but were faced with a big and strong opposition stürmer, the effects of touring, the hard ground and a former Israel national player. who as a referee was having his first match. This was in a playing sense the making of the tour if victory could be achieved. The game started with the Yizre´el invitation side scoring first but the St Pauli boys found an answering try after 20 minutes. 10 minutes later St Pauli scored again and had one try disallowed, however similar to the first game the Israelis j scored just before halftime.
Half time10-12 Yizre´el
The second half saw a reverse of the first game with St Pauli scoring two more tries but then having to hold on defensively as the Israelis scored their only second half try, on full time. The team had learnt from the first game and to a man and as a team stood shoulder to shoulder on defence and attacked with spirit. The backs scored all the points with the stürmer giving some quality ball and matching and in the end bettering their opposition.
Victory to St Paul 22-17
St Pauli try scorers: Ollie Wegner, Nicolas Kurtenbach, Sammy Pruegner, Julian Putzke; Dersim O´Sullivan, one conversion